surrender your skirts b4 u read ;D
*Screw You*
Gonna screw you upside down.

The name is Alan, AKA Alanny O:

14 this year

Single~ T.T

Im easy to get along with :D

just another ordinary schooling boy

Studying at NorthViewSS currently,1E208,2E309

i love my friends,my dear huailong and those who truly care about me

yeap! I dont zi lian :D


If you hate me, u have no life (:

longjohn for dinner! :D
New handphone
Couple stuffs
New laptop/desk
You. <3
Going out
Cute mei meis!

Adeline| Alex| Amalina| Amirul| BoonTien| Celestine| Crystal| Dune| Dhurga| Dion| Gary| Hanisah| Huailong| Hui Ming| Janet| Jonathan| Lance| Linda| Perle| Seanna| Sheryl| Siau Xin| Talya| Wilson| Yong Ping| Victor| Sharon|

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
By: Amirul

Monday, July 27, 2009

I am dead... -----^--v---^--v---- this is wad u see when u are in the hospital OO the lines on the machine.. if its ---------- means u are dead O: so im half dead now due to boredness D: Dint talk much with janet for two days already ): Im shOoo Saded T.T She is always busy :( preparing for her O's. Miss you. Gary comp spoil.. cant play with him :( but still got talk to him on phone + play when he's at lans. Pityful life with only 3 real friends... Janet<3 Gary<3 HuaiLong<3 HuaiLong is forever my best Friend O:

Ohaiyo peeps :D THAT GARY SAY ME :((( so i post to shut him up O: lols boring la.. this coming tuesday which is tomorow have maths test TT waloa.. got study but not sure can do well. I need some cheerings!! ';....;' jiayou alanny! jiayou alanny! wakaka.. Nothing much these days = = Dota improve like god!! wakaka. WILSON U DOG, JUST QUIT THE FUCKING DOTA U PIECE OF SHIT!!! Dont disgrace my Defense of the ancient.My flip phone is undergoing repair now so using 1 temporary phone.. all contacts lost so if got anything.. sms / call me but leave ur name :O

Oo btw i love my new name ---> Alanny :D call me that!! Thx to janet<3 who gave me this name ^^ love it lots <3333333333333333333333333333333

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Arlews~~ learned it from huai long lols!! quite cute.. kk nothing much exciting this days but im going to gym everyday after school ;( sad thing for janet and gary but need to slim down -.- will still find time to play + chat with u 2 ;D oo and im downloading audition now ;O stupid private server down for few days/wks hais.. k must teach me how play oO cos i fails lols bye bye :( that bag is mine! Only 1 in Sg.. maybe not? lols But i know its THE ONLY 1 IN NORTHVIEW SEC! rawr attention seeker bag F3


Tag me
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ohaiyo!!! lol i finally know why cant post.. cos i clicked save as draft for 3 times F3.. i know i have a kuku brain -.-" hehe I NEED TO STOP CRAVING FOR DOTA! lol jk i *copying wad a noob said*Wilson u are a failure in dota! quit it -.- F3 Not to say im boasting but i have improved alot after guidiance from qi wei and friends and HUAILONG!! <33 best friend always :D i won many people after so long!! thx to u guys ;P .. last month and before was really borring.. home sch home sch home sch BUT i met two dear friends.. The name is gary and janet.. 1 word, love them both lots, especially janet :O <3 Gary.. hmm NAH LOLS! jkjk glad u 2 are with me always. :D imy!
